Monday, August 31, 2009

Israel's Security Wall

by Kasey Bar

Did you know that 95% of Israel's "security wall" is actually a fence. Only 5% of Israel's territorial barrier is concrete wall? These areas of wall run alongside heavily traveled roads where terrorists have shot Israelis as they were driving. to protect vulnerable drivers Israel decided to build a wall in these sensitive areas.

After numerous terrorist attacks killing hundreds and wounding thousands of Israelis, the government initiated the construction of a security fence to separate Palestinian territory from Israel proper. Several nations have built fences to protect their borders. The US is currently building one to keep illegal Mexicans from crossing the boarder in Texas.

Every day Israel receives 40-60 intelligence warnings of terrorist activities. While the number of attempted attacks remains the same, the number of strikes has declined by more than 90% since the construction of the fence.

"Israel is not happy to build a fence, but a fence can be destroyed in days of peace. Victims of terror, however, can never be brought back to life," said IDF officer, Doron Schneider.

First written for the Grafted news letter:

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